Hi modernknight1 and truth serum,
It’s been wonderful to find your site, mk1. Your GoF-ERAs2 mod is simply outstanding.
I hope that you can manage to finalize it and can experience some well-deserved rest, and find the satisfaction from playing it in a completed form.
I am 45, got my first VG console in probably 1980 (maybe even 1979). It was a Prinztronic 5500, I still have it and it still works. Online sources say it was released in 1981, though I am sure that cannot be correct as I moved from Scotland to Australia in March 1981, and had been playing it for about a year at that point.
I’ve owned and used various consoles and computers over the years, so video games have featured prominently in my life.
I know that this is not much of an introduction, but I am mainly posting to let you know that you, personally, have given me moments of great enjoyment in my life. I want you to know that your efforts are truly appreciated by me. You have added something wonderful to my life experience.
I have read various posts on your site and want to wish you the very best. I’ve enjoyed your writing and deep historical knowledge, thank you for sharing your work.
Finding your site was especially pleasing, as, to me, it shows your inner strength, and strength of character as an individual, to continue sharing what you clearly have so much talent, passion and knowledge about. After being treated so obviously harshly and unfairly. I will say no more, other than to state my agreement with what truth serum has posted in the thread.
Once again thanks, and take care, mk1.