Forum Replies Created
June 24, 2018 at 1:39 pm #6289
Participanthi all,
just wanted to inform there is no port controller npc on boddens landing, kind of breaking my pirate playthrough as i cannot store any ships
because there are no other port controllers on pirate ports, is this an easy fix?… just changing some lines here and there, if you explain it i can do itThanks
March 14, 2017 at 7:57 pm #3859
ParticipantI just wanted to ask a question, in the last release 2.1.5 i managed to level up quite high and get a lot of skills for the officers and so. So i remember i achieved such a sailing skill that when i avtivated the turning speed increase hability(and the ship was already turning like crazy) i could turn my ship like a top-leg, it was insane, unrealistic, irritating and hilarious too… Have you touched the turning speed and overall the speeds of the ships?
You also mentioned in an old post pre-2.6.0 release you were going to change it so has it actually occurred?
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April 7, 2016 at 9:49 pm #2438
Participantgreat, now i have everyting needed, i will wait until you post the conversion steps, i navigated through the PA! threads but those were confusing, just a direction, you should explain everything from the ground, i mean the installation of programs are intuitive but you should explain what exactly you want so me or others who see this can help you. I mean, you know how the coding works, if you know what a ship should have modeled because it has a reference to it in the code, but you dont know how to do it in maya, just post at least the terms so we can look for them in internet. Im supposing this as you said you dont have the knowledge concerning modeling… Just explain what you know and be precise
thanks for the links and the info.
oh and the potbs models can be taken out of the downloaded game or are them sort of “encryted” in some rare model format like total war series does with his models?, damn i would like to take out the ships models of empire total war, too bad you have to pay 50€ for a tool to get them.
April 6, 2016 at 9:08 pm #2417
ParticipantJust curiosity,is it hard to code a ship? I mean when you want to introduce a ship which one is the biggest part, getting the model or coding it into the Game?
Just to know if, for example, if you are putting 4 new ships in the next patch is because you dont hace any more models or because they are hard to code -
April 6, 2016 at 6:38 pm #2408
Participantwell i dont know about modelling, i mean nothing about modeling in storm engine, although i have modeled some unturned guns in blender, but i didnt know how to implement them, i modeled a thompson and an mp40 which i think i got very cool and proportionate. if you have the tools, with apropiate tutorials-given by you?- i could help getting the models out(if they can be actually taken out of the downloaded game) and imported into storm engine for you to only code out. But i dont know where i can get the “storm engine modeler”? or whatever its called and i dont know how to use it. Maybe with your help if i can figure out how to do 1, i can make more and depending on the difficulty of it, you can have the mayority of the top tier potbs ships and some traders. Im very determined with this. haha!
And i dont know any one of potbs/portalus staff or modelers, sorry, maybe you just missed im only a player. Potbs IS a good game, but is nearly dead and its the biggest pay to win/paywall i have ever seen in my live, and probably the biggest one of GAME HISTORY, i left because of that. It was painful to be restricted to the 38-44 gun frigates (myrmidon, conquistador,…hercules<—-i would love to see those in aop2) and just the one step higher, the 58 or 60 gun 3rd rates were just no where seen to capture from player or you just have to craft them spending HUGE amounts of time. For the terror, the pirate 1st rate, you had to collect nearly 500 pieces of eight which only drop from chest which are rarely dropped from enemy ships and which are only opened with chests keys which cost real money or (hundresds of thousands)gold. and that is only to buy the cannons, you have to then buy the terror refit which cost, guess what, pieces of eight and theeeen you need to have a wenden.
total it is 200-300€ or a TON of gold and time, chests keys are rare even in the shop.
so you could see why i want to see these ships in aop2.
Im willing to help, i just need some directions, if you could give me. -
April 6, 2016 at 3:54 pm #2402
ParticipantI have been playing for quite a while aop2 and new horizons, and i have seen new horizons import some ships from potbs. I think importing the models from potbs is a great idea, it would help to expand the top tier ship variety. I would love to see the wenden, terror, concorde, the treason or others in game. I think new horizons have the raa and stralsund and others i think this mod has(not really sure about if the models are actually from potbs or custom, but at least the name). I dont know how to mod the game, work with storm engine or anything, im jut a player and i dont know the amount of work behind a ship, which part of coding it or modeling the ship is bigger but i you tell if coding is simple, why not add those 3rd 2nd and 1st rates from potbs? i think its legal—new horizons have already done it.
hope you release that mega patch soon, your already existing work is great, im having a lot of fun. Thanks MK.
PD: why dont you make a transition between decks in boarding like in potc, i recall to each his own does have it, but dont mind your multideck boarding scene its ok, i just like it to be in transitions so it forces you to fight down in the decks…
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This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by