Vincent started the topic Checking in again… in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 3 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys, been a few years. Figured I’d just check in and see what was going on, and I’ll say that it’s certainly discouraging. That said, I would like to try and offer some aid.
First off, the website issue; Modernknight, I would like to ask if you would be willing to let me try and convnce my uncle (a former professional web designer) to try…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic New GOF Let's Play video! in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 6 months ago
Hey, Antiscamp, glad thatI was able to introduce you to the game! I haven’t played GoF in a while, since I’ve been waiting for a bunch of updates to install so I can be totally amazed when I get back to the game again. I might start up the series again soon, though, since I’m working on producing new content for my channel. Also, I’ve renamed my…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 9 months ago
Hey, MK, sorry about your dog. Our first dog, Katey, died of cancer as well a few years ago, so I know a bit of what you’re going through. Sorry for your loss, but it’s good that you’ve found something to help you deal with the sadness.
On a brighter note, I do like the new sloop skin. I will admit, though, that it does seem a little hard to…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic Technical Questions in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 11 months ago
Actually, I have anew project I’d like to do real quick, so if you guys get a moment, I’d prefer if you could answer this question before my last one.
I want to try and find a way to get the sex scene to play a movie clip instead of a sound file and a screen image. I find the current sex sounds alittle awkward, so I’m trying to build a mod that…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic GOF ERAs Mod 2 Latest Download in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 11 months ago
Nice work, Jeffrey!
As for the sail direction, I was sailing the Snauw at the time, but from what you said, I may just be seeing things that happen correectly and interpreting them incorrectly in my own mind.
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 11 months ago
For just five days of effort, you sure got a lot of things done, that’s so awesome! Thanks for taking the time to work on those little QOL features I requested. The sorting of trade catalogs is especially appreciated, and yes, you ARE cool.
I can understand not wanting to make dodging in combat free, it is YOUR guys’ game after all – I don’t mind…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 11 months ago
New feature requests I came up with;
– support mice with additional buttons; this would be a big improvement.
– allow players to navigate command menus with the scroll wheel, to make it easier to use without needing to move your hands around between different control areas.
– No contraband goods at pirate ports – this seems a bit odd to me.
Vincent replied to the topic GOF ERAs Mod 2 Latest Download in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 11 months ago
Wanted to report a few bugs;
– The sound effects from the opening menu continue to play during the intro/tutorial scene when starting a new game, should probably be fixed.
– Combat music continues to play until a scene transition after defeating rapists.
– The new sail billow direction could maybe use a bit more work to refine it – it works fine…[Read more] -
Vincent replied to the topic Technical Questions in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 11 months ago
So, in the interest of getting answers to my questions from further up, I have decided to ask them one ata time, as recommended by MK. Here’s the first one;
I want to create a special quest officer, and then have my character (Svendsen) start off with him already joined to his party. How would I create this officer and assign him his chosen…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 12 months ago
Also, I’m still wanting to try my hand at some location modelling – I have a list of scenes I’d like to try recreating in an even better way than they are now. However, I wanted to ask about models, specifically acquiring them. I’ve done some searching on the internet, and I found a site that has a number of tropical plants that would be perfect…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic Technical Questions in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 12 months ago
Yeah, sorry bout that. That’s some pretty exciting news you’ve shared with us, though, I’m waiting excitedly for the next update to come.
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 5 years, 12 months ago
Nice to hear that you liked the look of the Dying Gull, and especially that you decided to do some similar skins for the sloop and snauw. I was originally going to do one for the snauw, but I just couldn’t figure out how to get the look I wanted… sigh. My only request for those skins is that you not use a white lower hull for them, and simply…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic How do I get started with location modeling? in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
Hey guys, wanted to leave a few comments.
For Orazio, how’s progress on the new Willemstad? I’m very excited for that project in particular, as I plan to make it Svendsen’s main base of operations in a series of personal story quests that I’m dreaming up for him.
To ModernKnight, when can we get the files for the modelling project? I’m excited…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
Thanks, MK. I’m trying to make a texture based on the look of the Dying Gull from PotC5. Basically, it’s going to be the characters first ship, so I wanted something that was an old, rotten, leaky tub (“It’s a piece of junk!” to quote a famous movie line…) – but it’s YOURS. So, any advice you could give on how I would go about achieving such a…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic Technical Questions in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
Jeffrey, could you be just a little more specific about how to make my character start only in Willemstad? Should I use the first method you talked about, or should I try to use the second, and can you give me a bit more information about how to code it in? I’m a complete coding noob, so a lot of the info flies over my head even if I can make out…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
Hey, I made a custom flag for my character (Svendsen) and wanted to know if you could put it into the Personal flags selection for mas, as I have no idea how to do so.
Here’s the flag I made;
Vincent replied to the topic Technical Questions in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
I wanted to ask a couple questions for my own modding attempts.
First, is there a way that I can edit the starting gear and starting ship my player uses? And is there a way to specify which skin the starting ship uses as well that I can edit? Reason is, I never quite enjoyed starting with Svendsen’s current ship, and I fell in love the moment I…[Read more]
Vincent replied to the topic GOF ERAs Mod 2 Latest Download in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
just a note, musketeers are walking around without guns in my game, and atialiasing still does weird things…
Vincent replied to the topic GOF ERAs Mod 2 Latest Download in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
very nice updates, can’t wait to try them out! Having itch to download the updated fiels for me is great, it was a good choice for a host site. Now I just need to get my old computer working again so that I can grab my custom music files from my older game copy…
Vincent replied to the topic New features and changes I'd like to see added in future updates in the forum GOF Eras Module 2 download & discussion board 6 years ago
I’ll see about possibly coming up with something, though no promises.
Also, while I’m thinking about it, I wanted to mention one more thing I’d like to see done by the dev team going forward. In particular, I’d like to see Orazio go through the collection of ship models we already have, and fix up the ones that the team plans of keeping. The…[Read more]
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