Just a little post to say that I’m relly amazed by the improvemts in sea battles with the last few versions. Enemy ships are actually more dangerous and manovring a lot more. Really loving the improvements to cannon range and damage.
I’m really looking forward to all those changes, the one to grape shots over the others. I always feel like cheating reducing the crew of the other ship to zero… beside this I think that even without crew the ships were going fast and firing cannons.
If you succedeed in reducing the effect of the grapeshots is possible to increase the effect of a really depleted crew?
Really looking forward to another public release if there will be one.
This is great, one of the thing that annoyed me more was the ships sailing upwind…
you are a great bunch of people, I play those games since years but have never seen huge improvements like here.
I have the same problem with the rope textures in the english third rater or something like this (not at the game now, I can’t remember the exact name).